Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Ah, yesterday, at the yoga institute, one girl fell down, she was still holding her asana, when she released the asana, she just fell down without explanation. She hit her face on the floor, the noise was clear and i saw the moment she fell. I was wondering what happened, she told she has no health problems.. It proves that yoga is not that easy as many people think. hehehe.
Today i started writing my talks. I think i need some help, cause i haven't done any yet. Talk = to make a lesson plan and talk at class. I dont know how it ll be, i am soooo shy³, you just cannot imagine.

I mean, i gave classes before, i am not shy while teaching, but giving a class is diferent from giving a talk (on talks, everybody is seeing, evaluating you, making questions to test you...). Woo. Not that easy.
Today we had public speaking class, teacher asked me to speak about Parikarmas (wth?). Dude, i really didnt want to, i mean, without any preparation, i was scary.. so i pushed the task to someone else. Fine, but in the end, teacher told me to go there and speak anyway, about whatever i want to. Aww, i bet you all dont know how much i am shy. I am extremely shy.. But, no choice, i went there and spoke about something secret. ( i ll not say here on this blog, its too early, maybe next post. ;)
I found horrible, i was speaking slowly and making pauses, but at least i was smiling a lot. Thats one of the benefits of being shy, i just smile. huihuih

Okay, now i ll explain what are Parikarmas. (:
Parikarmas also make part of Samkhya philosophy (that i mentioned before). They are attitudes to embellish the mind! (Cute isnt it?! huihiu)
In Samkhya, we have 4 parikarmas: Karuna, Mudita, Maitri and Upeksha. (sanskrit words)

Let's talk a little about Karuna:
It means Compassion. So, if we seek to heal our wounds, we also want that others heal their wounds too, reducing the suffering of the world. I mean, when we help others and make easy their process of healing and transformation, we all get benefits, getting the union of those surrounding us.

It means friendliness. We need to be friendly with people and not shout or being rude. Love and
be loved.
Now, about Mudita:
It means Joyous of others virtues. One example of the mind-state of mudita is a parent observing a growing child's successes.
And finally Upeksha:

It means, indifferent to vices. Not to distinguish between friend, enemy or stranger, treat equally others.

Now you can notice that Maitri and Karuna are hopes, how we should behave in situations. Mudita and Upeksha are attitudes to what has already happened.
This is part of a philosophy that i really try to follow in my life, and i like to being here, sharing. (:

Thought for the day:
" Let's dream big� let's dream positive� let's be determined and committed� let's not forget our values and ethics� let's be firmly grounded to our roots� and let success follow us."
--- Written in 2008 by Nisha Grace --- India


Van Guedes said... ai, o amor...Fábio Jr....hueuheuhehue

Yoga é habilidade de mestre mesmo, tem que ser forte pra aguentar (ahaaaaam).

Dentre todos eles prefiro o lembra muito "plantitas" pequenas...uhehuehuehue

Unknown said...


i loved it!
n keep writing... on blogs you always think noone see, but its not true!

i love u so much!

but i miss you :'(

n i really wait for you...
